February 2025, compiled by the SIGCHI Executive Committee with feedback from AccessSIGCHI
Early recruitment of access chairs: Accessibility chair recruited early in the planning process (ideally at the same time as program chairs). `
Venue accessibility: Accessible conference venue and hotel (for in-person component) and accessible online platform (for virtual component) with pointers on where to access the accessibility information (e.g., for hotel rooms etc.). No flash policy and no-flash signs throughout the event. Refer to AccessSIGCHI’s guidelines for conference accessibility.
Information in call for papers: information about accessibility provided in the call (refer to accessibility "FAQ" generator from SIGACCESS) before the paper submission deadline (e.g., related to the venue, the local area, catering, software, presentation formats).
Accessibility budget: A dedicated accessibility budget to accommodate requests (both on-demand and pre-planned – e.g., PDF remediation program) with information about how it is being used available on the conference website.
Inclusion in all planning meetings: Accessibility chair included in all leadership and planning meetings as different parts of conference committee work may have accessibility implications
Inclusion of PC members with disabilities: For any conference organizers or PC members with disabilities, check and accommodate accessibility needs throughout the planning and reviewing process (e.g., establish support to make paper submissions accessible for blind reviewers).
Captioners and sign-language interpreters: Automatic live captioning for all in-person, virtual, or hybrid talks. Sign language interpreter and human-transcribed live captioning (e.g., CART) available upon request on a short notice or deadline indicated on the call (a usual practice is “early registration” deadline).
Virtual participation option: For in-person conferences, provide an option to present virtually for remote attendees and should offer avenues for accessible virtual interaction. Refer to AccessSIGCHI’s guidelines for accessible virtual meetings.
Communication channel for accessibility problems: Clear communication channel for reports of access problems during the conference; ensure attendees know how to access this information.
Quiet areas: Quiet areas for people who need them (including spaces for nursing parents), with clear signage at key points, including the reception.
All-gender bathrooms: Access to all-gender bathrooms. Refer to more details on this policy.
SVs: Dedicated and trained student volunteers to support participants who may need assistance.
Reserved seatings: Reserved seating at the front and back of the session rooms and in the common areas (including hallways). Space for wheelchair users.
Food Options: Food options for attendees with dietary restrictions, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, halal, and kosher at all conference meals and clearly labeled with ingredients specified.
Accessible materials: Visually accessible print media / publications (contact SIGCHI VP Access for our PDF remediation program). Captioned presentation media (videos, talks); refer to guidelines.