This page lists and links to SIGCHI policies regarding our conferences. Please see the main policy page for all other policies.

Some of these policies relate to all conferences, while some relate only to the annual CHI conference and some are for SIGCHI specialized conferences only.

  1. Guidelines for SIGCHI-Sponsored and Co-Sponsored Conferences: This document provides guidelines for steering committees of SIGCHI-sponsored and co-sponsored conferences.

  2. Accessibility Guidelines for SIGCHI Conferences: These guidelines support conferences in ensuring access needs during planning and the conference itself.

  3. Global Community Development for Conferences: This policy describes a program of support for researchers and practitioners from and working/studying in Economically Developing Countries.

  4. Doctoral Consortium for the CHI Conference: This policy only covers the doctoral consortium at the CHI conference. It defines to what extent CHI conference chairs have flexibility in the organization of this venue and what must be implemented to meet SIGCHI's vision for it. It was last updated June 1, 2014.

  5. Courtesies: This document offers guidelines for all courtesies (e.g. complimentary registration) that volunteers may receive at a specialized conference. It was last updated Jan 26th, 2019.

  6. Data Release: The SIGCHI Data Release Policy outlines the policy and procedures for gaining access to information that is collected and maintained by SIGCHI, but for privacy confidentiality reasons are not publicly shared.

  7. Live and Recorded Video: This document details the SIGCHI policy for the Posting and Streaming of Video for all SIGCHI Conferences. It should be understood in the context of the help SIGCHI and our operations group can offer around video. This was approved by the SIGCHI EC and its effective date is Feb 11, 2017.

  8. Specialized Conferences: Specialized conferences include all conferences within SIGCHI other than the annual CHI conference. This document describes governing policies for these specialized conferences. This is version 4 of this policy and was validated by the SIGCHI EC on Jul 12th, 2017.

  9. Submission and Review: The purpose of the SIGCHI Submissions and Reviewing Policy is to provide a framework within which the conference Venue Chair(s) will design their submissions and reviewing processes for submissions that appear in the conference proceedings. This document is intended to be a policy document, not a process document, and it supplements the ACM Rights and Responsibility Policy and the ACM Author Rights and Publishing Policy (Version 9). Outside this policy, we encourage all chairs to regularly revisit the review process, identifying opportunities for improvement, and using an experimental approach that includes gathering data to evaluate the effects of any changes based on this policy. This page was last updated Jan 30, 2017.

  10. Volunteer Reimbursement: This new policy replaces both the SIGCHI Reimbursement Guidelines for SIGCHI-sponsored conferences and the SIGCHI Reimbursement Policy. Its effective date is March 23, 2016.

Deprecated policies (no longer applicable)

  1. CHI Conference: Compensation of Course Instructors

  2. Specialized Conference Development Fund. This policy has been superseded by the SIGCHI Development Fund on June 2023.