Bylaws of the Special Interest Group on Computer–Human Interaction (SIGCHI) of ACM.
SIGCHI Conference Policies
This page describes ACM SIGCHI policies regarding our conferences. Some of these policies relate to all conferences, while some relate only to the annual CHI conferences. Other policies are for the ACM SIGCHI Specialized Conferences program only. This SIGCHI Conference Policies page should make it clear to which conference type each policy applies.
SIGCHI Volunteer Reimbursement Policy
This new policy replaces both the SIGCHI Reimbursement Guidelines for SIGCHI Sponsored Conferences and the SIGCHI Reimbursement Policy and was approved by the SIGCHI EC and its effective date is March 23, 2016 and was most recently updated in Jan 2019.
Conflict of Interest Policy
SIGCHI is a professional organization led by volunteers. In the course of SIGCHI business, situations will arise where a SIGCHI decision-maker has a conflict of interest, or where the process of making a decision creates an appearance of favoring a SIGCHI volunteer.
Cooperating Society Policy
This policy defines the circumstances under which SIGCHI may establish a “cooperating society” relationship with another professional organization. Through such relationships, SIGCHI can work with other organizations to cooperatively promote the field of human-computer interaction, insure the presence of an HCI perspective in organizations that might not have an HCI focus of their own, and help other organizations interested in HCI grew and develop their own memberships. Cooperating society relationships can also help SIGCHI grow as a professional society, by increasing its presence throughout the world, increasing its membership and attendance at its conferences, and by understanding more about the ideas, perspectives, and methodologies of the societies with which it cooperates.
Open Calls for Volunteering Positions: ACM SIGCHI Policy Guidance
Guidance and best practices for preparing open calls for SIGCHI volunteer positions.