Executive Committee
ACM SIGCHI is run by the Executive Committee (EC), which includes elected and appointed officers, the past president, and adjunct chairs. If you have any questions, email us at sigchi-ec@acm.org.
Neha Kumar
Luigi De Russis
Executive Vice-President
Susan Dray
Vice-President at Large
Pejman Mirza-Babaei
Vice-President at Large and Vice-President for Publications
Dragan Ahmetovic
Vice-President for Accessibility
Naveena Karusala
Vice-President for Communications
Hao-Chuan Wang
Vice-President for Finance
Adriana Vivacqua
Vice-President for Membership
Matt Jones
Vice-President for Conferences
Jeni Paay
Vice-President for Chapters
Kashyap Todi
Vice-President for Operations
Cosmin Munteanu
Vice-President for Publications
Helena Mentis
Past President
Niklas Elmqvist
Adjunct Chair for Awards
Ignacio Avellino
Adjunct Chair for Conferences
Jerry Alan Fails
Adjunct Chair for Conferences
Dani Raju
Adjunct Chair for Community Support
Lucia Sippel
ACM Liaison (ex officio)