Our Chapters
There are 81 SIGCHI chapters on 6 continents in 36 different countries, nurturing new connections among chapter members and across chapters. We are seeking to expand the geographical coverage of SIGCHI Chapters - contact us at sigchi-vp-chapters@acm.org to find out more.
Chapters by location
Chapters by Theme
Human-Centered AI ACM SIGCHI Chapter
Contact: pranjal_jain@live.com
Extended Reality Chapter
Contact: inessaid@ufl.edu
Arts in HCI Chapter
Contact: m.m.lewis@kingston.ac.uk
Metaverse Chapter
Contact: xrchapter@gmail.com
About the Chapters
Every chapter has its own unique approach, organizing conferences, symposia, meetings, seminars, summer schools, book clubs, networking opportunities, discussion forums, job boards, community outreach, design challenges and other special events year-round. Many chapters host their own local conferences and hold contests for HCI students.
How to start a SIGCHI Chapter?
You can start your ACM SIGCHI Chapter in 4 steps:
Step 1: Enter chapter name, chapter email address, chapter type, and chapter sub-type.
Step 2: Enter the names of three individuals to serve as Chair, Vice-Chair, and Treasurer. These individuals must have an ACM Professional Membership and relevant SIG Membership.
Step 3: Enter chapter contact information (postal address and phone number).
Step 4: Enter the names of at least ten (10) individuals willing to carry out the chapter's mission and participate in activities. The last name, first name, and email addresses of these members will be required through the automated chartering application.
Note: Following information is necessary to complete the form. ACM membership numbers of Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, contact email of the new chapter (a new email account is recommended), communication address, phone number, name and email addresses of at least 10 members