EC Meeting, December 3, 2024

  • Nine out of 16 EC members (including Lucia, ACM liaison) are in attendance. 

  • The EC starts with a discussion of the final candidates for the open call roles (AC for Community Support, VP Pubs, and VP Ops). EC members are supportive of the outcomes. 

  • Neha asks for an update on the working groups. Adriana notes that Site Selection has done a survey, and wants to analyze the results and write it up on a blog post. Hybrid has completed its remit and their report is on the SIGCHI website, under Handbooks. Best Practices has also wrapped up. 

  • The EC then goes through all the existing committees, whether they are led by EC members or are independent ad hoc committees that report to the EC. EC members share whether each committee needs to recruit more members. There will be an open call for committees, given the number that need to recruit. 

  • Neha shares an update on ACM Open. She notes that the impact, while still being determined, is likely to be significant, especially for SIGCHI since CHI gets the highest DL returns. If ACM loses money, SIGs as a whole lose money, which will impact us starting FY27. This makes it all the more important to ensure that conferences avoid losing money. Neha notes that there is a working group at the SIG Governing Board level, looking into the various aspects and impacts of ACM Open on SIGs. We conclude that we will need to stay on top of finances, given ACM Open but also potential economic downturns, potential changes in visas, etc. 

  • We discuss awards. Awards nominations have started coming in. For special recognitions, which are new this year, we want to make sure people are aware of them, so an email will go out emphasizing these.

  • We consider whether Discord should be revived as a place to have community discussions. We will look into how to move this forward. 

  • Neha brings up the need to have a policy review, and suggests we have a small working group read through policies and discuss what needs to be added/removed. 

  • Looking towards 2025, Neha proposes that we work together to create a cohesive vision for the next year. She notes specific areas that need leadership, and also that we should invest more into team-building as the EC. 

  • Neha ends by emphasizing that key things to focus on moving forward are ACM Open and finances, and that she will set times for longer working meetings with EC members during December and January.

Event type



Tue Dec 03 2024

Local time (UTC)

2:00:00 PM - 3:00:00 PM