EC Meeting, August 26, 2024

The SIGCHI Executive Committee held a meeting to discuss communications, committees and open calls, and conferences. Meeting notes are below:

  • Seven out of 15 EC members are in attendance. 

  • Naveena starts by presenting the communications strategy. 

    • There are 2 major goals regarding communications.

      • External comms are meant to inform, empower, and connect membership. Informing entails pushing out info to SIGCHI members via mailing list, and following up with announcements and social media. Empowering/connecting includes introducing quarterly newsletter on ACM DL, and reviving Discord to build and foster connection.

      • Internal comms are aimed at an organized EC, where each member can focus on their most important/meaningful goals. Naveena created a ticketing system for publicity and website update requests. She will also have processes in place to ensure proper scheduling, agenda-setting, and meeting notes posted on the webpage.

    • For next steps, Naveena will share the comms strategy on Slack. Additional comments are welcome and then we will eventually share with members.

  • Luigi provides updates on open calls for four positions: VP Publications, VP Operations, AC for Community Support, and AC for Sustainability.

    • There are three submissions so far. We discuss extending the deadline to after the CHI deadline to provide more time for encouraging nominations. 

    • We also discuss asking committees to encourage applications among committee members. 

  • Neha, Jerry, and Ignacio discuss conferences updates. We consider how to respond to conferences’ requests about indexing in Scopus. We intend to check in with people at ACM on how to respond in these cases, and possibly direct these requests towards ACM in the future. 

  • Adriana asks how the Site Selection Committee should wrap up their work. We discuss how they’ve collected significant amounts of data and this is important to share with the community. They could write a blog post, host an open session, or perhaps present at the conferences town hall we’ll be holding soon. Adriana will follow up on this with the committee.  

  • We discuss when to have the next EC Meeting. We decide to hold one after the CHI deadline. In the meantime, Naveena will confer with Neha and Luigi on when we want to have meetings, town halls, EC times, etc. and send scheduling polls accordingly to decide on specific times.

Event type



Mon Aug 26 2024

Local time (UTC)

2:00:00 PM - 3:00:00 PM