SIGCHI and ACM have numerous policies and committees in place to support our community with respect to ethics and conduct. This page provides an overview of these resources to help members of our community find support and answers should they experience any of the issues described here.
Publication Policies
The SIGCHI Submissions and Reviewing Policy gives guidance on pre-publication review and how authors and organisers can address complaints. The ACM also has a policy on pre-publication review that provides additional details. For issues that arise after publication, the ACM Publications Policies and Procedures apply.
Confidentiality in Pre-Publication Review
Confidentiality during pre-publication review is incredibly important, and authors, reviewers, programme committee members, and all stakeholders that have access to publication related data should be familiar with the Policy on Roles and Responsibilities in ACM Publishing.
Coercion and Abuse in Publications
SIGCHI and the ACM take incidents of coercion and abuse during the publication process very seriously. If you have experienced coercion, or abuse, you can find more information and who to contact in the ACM Policy on Coercion and Abuse in Publications.
Research Ethics
SIGCHI has a Research Ethics Committee that can advise volunteers and authors on ethical issues during review and facilitate discussions on ethics in the SIGCHI Community. You can contact the chairs at For ethical concerns relating to work that is already published, please refer to the Ethics and Plagiarism Committee of the ACM Publications Board.
Harassment and Discrimination
SIGCHI and ACM take incidents of harassment and discrimination very seriously. If you have been affected by discrimination, abuse, or harassment, please reach out to SIGCHI CARES.
Code of Conduct
The SIGCHI code of conduct guides our members’ communications across various venues and platforms, be it online or in-person. Please familiarize yourself with the code of conduct and keep it in mind during your interactions.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.